love, vannie. (12:52 PM)
love, vannie. (9:35 PM)
love, vannie. (10:59 PM)
love, vannie. (11:47 PM)
love, vannie. (8:01 PM)
love, vannie. (2:47 AM)
Not going to say anything much here.
Prefer to share it with my heart and my love only.
I was hoping my boy would not leave for lifesaving for the TP open house. :(
Was kinda lost the whole time not seeing him.
Finally met him after my Psycho.
Darling bought Hershey's kissables for me.
So sweet of you (:
Darling and I went to Causeway Point for dinner at Sakae.
I just loved to watch him eat.
And I took sooooo many candid shots of him.
Mochi Ice-cream! Ha!
Operation of the watermelon for Vannie!
Watched stars with him.
There were so many of them! And were really bright.
So we walked all the way home under the starlight for the first time.
Just wanted to spend time alone with my boy.
And the long walk home...
Didn't want to leave my boy at all.
Did the presentation slides for Marketing today at my house.
Everytime I look at the advertisement of me and him I'm just lost for words.
Haha :D
Darling came to meet us after his lifesaving.
Met him at my bus- stop.
For some reasons I don't know, he just looked super handsome today.
We then left for Causeway for dinner.
The journey was alot of ignorings and smilings. (:
Ate at Pastamania with him and Rayner.
I felt kinda tired so I ate very slowly. Then he kept looking at me.
Thanks for your compliment love, I won't wear FBTs to school lah! :p
Grab your hands! :D
A slow day not filled with activities.
A day I missed you so much though you were right beside me.
love, vannie. (12:42 AM)
love, vannie. (3:18 AM)
love, vannie. (9:29 PM)
love, vannie. (11:27 PM)